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Video Marketing & Instagram: A Near Perfect Match

Writer's picture: Thomas DarroThomas Darro

Social Media platforms are always changing, and your businesses strategy needs to be able to change with it. Having multiple platforms to share your business can be difficult, and overwhelming. Today we will be highlighting one of these platforms with Instagram and how video marketing fits in. Instagram has been setting itself apart as a leading platform to tell your story, and connect with new users. Using statistics we will show how Instagram and Video Marketing have become a near perfect match, and why Instagram is one of the more effective platforms to share video content.

1. 1 Billion plus Users are currently on Instagram

Instagram has been growing more and more each year. In 2018 the platform went over a billion active users per month worldwide for the first time in its history. With active user numbers on the rise the visual hub provides a place for your business to be discovered and connect with more users, and a valuable resource to all digital marketers.

2. 80% of Instagram users follow one business on the platform

One example setting Instagram apart from the other social platforms is that its users are more likely to follow your business. Over 80 percent of users follow and engage with at least one business account. This stat proves that not only are users able to discover your brand through the platform, but are likely to follow and engage if they are interested in your product.

3. 75% of Instagram users take action from posts

With so many users being willing to follow businesses on Instagram, one of the more important stats that we can share is that 75% of users take action off of posts. Whether it be video or images users are taking action by following the post to visit websites, and even buy your product/service. (Hootsuite)

4. 60% of users have discovered products on Instagram

Being a largely visual medium Instagram has the power to introduce users to a number of things. Every day users are discovering new things on the platform from the surprising popularity of soap cutting videos, to what Harry Styles wore at the MET Gala.

Most important to your business is that one of the products that you offer can be part of that 60% that users find and love online, and fit into that 75% that take action from your content.

5. Video views have grown 80% each year on Instagram

More users are watching videos than ever. Instagram has announced that time spent watching videos has grown 80% year after year. This has given businesses more opportunities to find their audience, tell their story, and build a community among its followers.

6. Instagram has given more opportunities for you to share videos

Creating and sharing video content is now easier than ever. With plenty of options your business can do anything from create a minute long video, story highlights, live video, or sponsored ads. This flexibility helps you find the best way to connect to your audience and tailor your content to what is most effective.

7. Over 500 Million active users daily

Instagram stories have increased the usage rate of the platform and bring the staggering stat that over 500 million users watch Instagram Stories daily. Stories bring more traffic to the platform each day, and make it more likely for your content to be seen. In addition to making it easier for you to be seen your company can continue growing your audience through story posts, as well as sponsored story ads.

Take Away

Constant growth in users and video views make Instagram a no brainer for your business. On Instagram you can reach your ideal audience in a way that they will take action. Key to the most effective use of the platform is creating valuable content. Whether it be video or images quality is key.

See how Think Ink Productions can help with your content. We offer anything from videos, illustrations, and social content. Check out our work by clicking here.

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